Windows XP might be really good, but its retirement in April 2014 means that it will no longer be supported by Microsoft -- there will be no more security fixes. That almost half of the IT sector intends to keep Windows XP installed -- it will be 13 years old in 2014! -- can only be indicative of two things: either Windows XP really is is that good, or IT professionals are lazy.
In other news, 6% of companies have now rolled out Windows 7, as opposed to only 1% back in January. "What's really interesting here is that if you look at the numbers, they've almost exactly adopted according to plan," said Hagglund. "That's a real indicator that Windows 7 migration is going well." With almost a quarter billion copies sold in the first 12 months, and the biggest market segment -- the workplace -- about to roll over, 2011 is looking good for Microsoft.
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